Complimentary Tickets
Barracuda Championship
Tahoe Mountain Club Members
- Ticket requests must be submitted by July 12.
- Upon submitting your request, you will get an onscreen confirmation that we have received your request.
- Digital tickets will be sent via email prior to the tournament.
- Tickets will be sent from [email protected]
- Please only submit one request per membership. Four tickets will be issued per membership.
- Tickets work any day of the tournament. Use them for one person all four days, two people on two days, or bring a group of friends on a single day
- Tickets are offered to the following Membership Types
- Sport
- Pavilion
- Founder
- Summer
- Four Seasons
- Extended Family
- Vacation Fractional
- In-residence only
- Kids 15 and under do not need a ticket.
- Men’s and Ladies Clubs – You will receive an additional ticket from Travis for your day on course with Men’s and Ladies Club.
This form is currently closed for submissions.